

Story: Kids Love It, Parents Burn in Homemade Napalm

I just sent an email out to the team about our need to develop a real, explicit narrative for the game and implement along with our levels in the coming days.

Thus far, we have largely ignored the actual story and narrative that would push our game along. This is bad: story is good. So we need to do this.

There are still two technical holes to be filled before cutscenes are viable (script player ai trigger and message displayer), but mostly we just need to decide what we want to do and when. I'm happy to write copy for the cutscenes, Ethan can make sure the level designs are agreeable with the cutscenes we want to script, Siz can be the Fearless Leader he's supposed to be, Eugene can write player script ais, and Hugh can help us make it cool. Bosses might also need to do cool things for cutscenes, so, Hugh, let us know what we can do with that and what kinds of things you think would be cool.



i iz happy


So we definitly have done a considerable amount of useful work over the weekend. I am happy that we all got toghether and worked on this game. There's a considerable amount of work left, but I think that was long as we work on it consitently and without waiting for to the last minute, we should be fine. I think that the key is to avoid 20 hours marathons at CSUG until 11am in the morning. Other than being absurd and unhealthy, it puts the morale waaay down low where we don't want it. And at this point, that's the last thing we want. People should be happy and not overworked, although, I can speak for myself and the fact that my other classes are killing me. I told a friend about last weekend's marathon sessions for this course and project. His response? "What about your other classes???" Mr. Obvious says: Overworking yourself is bad.

Presenting our game

The presentation is coming up. I see the presentation as the perfect spot for us to show everyone what we're capable of doing. Embarassing as it is, we have no delievered as well as we could have during the semester. Our goal for the presentation should be to show the audience that we worked on this game hard, which we have, and that we have completed a very playable game that should provide a very fun experience. This should strech into the showcase and everyone should say "holy shit. pvn is fuckin awesome."


The progress and more design issues


There's been something that I have been thinking of for quite a while, that I didn't want to trouble us with, considering our slow initial progress. In a lot of games that I have played, I remember that one of the best things was the interactivity with the levels. Climbing, stepping, bouncing, etc. Level design is of high priority for us, and with the advancement of our level code, I'd say we're ready for something nice. We have to consider that levels are a world themselves. They are alive. They are not static. This being said, I asked Will if there's an easy way in which, given the current level code, we can add moving parts to levels. The response: yes. Awesome. For the final version, look forward to waving flags, moving windmills in the ninja town (i hope), and other animations.


Given a game of our scope, how do we create various enemies that could add a nice dimension to the game? It is quite a difficult question to answer. But we decided from the begining that the way our enemies will stand out is not their dramatic visual difference, but their AI. The enemies, are in essence, the same as our characters. However, each type specializes in a different skill. Pirates and Nnjas. There's aggresive pirates and ninjas. There's defensive pirates and ninjas. There's suicidal pirates and ninjas. Visually, we used the Adobe Photoshop suite and ran our character images through some filters. That has resulted in some pretty interesting images, which I think we could still work on. But overall, I'm very satisfied with them.

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