Number two
So we're getting ready for prototype two, which is due in two weeks? (or something like that). Here's the list fo things we wanna implement.
- Health bar.
- Inventory implementation plus the ability to browse through items and use them.
- Working level with platforms and gaps to show some mechanics.
- Some kind of enemies with good AI.
- Experience and level mechanism set up.
- Projectiles.
- Basic powerups (aka, health).
- Some kind of ninja walking around.
I think this is a decent list of stuff to have for the next build.
Repository is up
The repository is up. It is a bit of a pain to work with it though. Here's why. We work on the game in Windows. We need to ssh into the cvs server. We log in under our CSUG account. That's fine. So then, we want to access the repository and download it. So we enter the command:
cvs -d :ext:
Today's graphics lecture was very interesting. We should have a 3d pirates game with all those pimpin graphics...
v.001 (?)
Mmhmm. Good stuff. Very good stuff. And more to come. Here's v.001. Version .001.
Sunday: Prototype day
Tomorrow is marathon programming day. Getting up at 10am and going to the lab with our laptops to work on the prototype. Things are coming along nicely. Progress so far: We have code that compiles and seems to work well. The main game loop is set up, along with the main menu. No music and no sounds so far. (not important for now...) The base game object classes needed for the prototype are setup. Everything looks good, except for the draw function. A lot of art is done. The code for the level is being worked on.
The basic agenda for tomorrow is as follows:
- Will: Finish level code for prototype
- Eugene: Provide us with simple AI.
- Ethan: Bring art and work on setting up the film strips for animation. We'll need some kind of simple projectile image.
- Hugh: If coming, find out how the animation works and how we're gonna set it up for the object base classes.
- Me: Link all the code. I have the loop and base objects basically memorized by heart. I have looked at the Level code so far, so I will be unifying all the code. Also, work on Game Concept and Milestone document in free time.
I'll be there, ideally, from noon to midnight. So, it's gonna be a fun day. Hopefully, by the end we'll be done with the prototype, Concept Doc and a good draft of the Milestone Document. Word.