Added more stuff.. yadda yadda
More things have been added by yours truly this fine day. I guess my best work went into a skill that the pirate is going to have. At some point, the pirate will be able to scream into the sky and have a huge flock of 50+ parrots descend onto an enemy and massacre that enemy. The actual animations look decently. A flock of parrots descends and circles the enemy in a nice wave pattern and then the HP just goes DOWN. I wrote a nice function disband, in which each parrot flies out of the view of the screen and then gets destroyed. The disbanding looks really cool. The actual flying into, etc, looks decently, but needs some work.
I'm also currently playing with a Loading screen and making sure our save/load option will be available. We decided to drop the going back through levels idea, because it would cost too much resources which we do not have. Plus, level code is backed up, so we're kinda holding many level ideas back.
Lots of work being done.