More ideas
Here's a few specific things I have been thinking about and some things we need to do.
- Skills are pretty much working. Devise a system so that the player assigns them (depending on the level) and if the skill spot is loaded, has the ability to use it. Implement the recovery time for skills, etc.
- Make items work. Be able to place items anywhere around the map and implement character-item collisions. Have ability to fill up the inventory and browse through it. (to test, make a shitty "staR" item with the star.bmp drawing. Then, put 20 of those around and pickup / use / drop, etc.
- Make leveling work. If I hit an enemy, make hit HP go down and display it. Make a "last hit enemy HP bar". Have a check that if the enemy dies, the bar goes away. And switched depending on who we are hitting. When I kill them, I want to get experience and I want to see/feel/get levels.
- Each enemy should have an inventory as well and when we kill him, he should drop all the items he was carrying. Or should he? We might wanna give it some probability for normal monsters and an 'always drop' option for bosses.
- Design more enemies. Especially bosses. Don't worry about their hit points and stats for now. Think special moves, which we can implement as skills and whatnot.
- I don't think we should save the game's state (IE, all levels). I think we should save the character. And the player can choose any out of 3-5 difficulties.
Feel free to comment on everything.